Read operation

美 [riːd ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn]英 [riːd ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络读取操作;读操作;读取作业
Read operationRead operation
  1. A disk error has occurred during a read operation .


  2. It controls how many pages the system reads ahead for any read operation .


  3. First up is the simple read operation .


  4. This happens because the first read operation read the whole file .


  5. More specifically , a Read operation is a series of protocol operations


  6. Used to indicate that a read operation was done on an empty pipe .


  7. One for the read operation and another for the write should do the trick .


  8. So compare with the traditional DBMS , it pays more to the performance of read operation .


  9. Hence , for write operation maximum data rate should be considered and for read operation minimum data rate should be considered .


  10. Finally , the read operation maps to SYSLOG_ACTION_READ to consume the available log messages .


  11. After a successful update operation , the controller should redirect to a URL that does a read operation .


  12. The following figure shows a read operation on a newly created snapshot , whose sparse file accordingly contains no pages .


  13. With optimistic concurrency control , the database manager releases the row or page locks immediately after a read operation .


  14. In a read operation , coordinator directly accesses data , and decoding is only needed when node fails and data loss .


  15. During a READ operation , When this command is issued , data outputs are disabled and become high impedance after two clock delay .


  16. Data Prefetching Technique of Nonlinear Memory Access Effective prefetching can reduce average response time of read operation and improve the throughput of RAID .


  17. When information resulting from a read operation doesn 't come from the preferred source , you may need to add the information to the preferred source .


  18. Furthermore , any read operation performed from a method invoked by the processTrade () method might also hold a lock in the database .


  19. A single random read operation is about a hundred times faster than the same operation using the latest available disk drives on the market today .


  20. CRUD operations in SPARQL are typically a bit more shrouded in mystery than the read operation .


  21. Because it involves the read operation from the hard disk and a large number of combined operations , so the computation times will be very long .


  22. As for the database read operation , we use of an array bound read methods ; as for database write operations , we use a direct path load method .


  23. Weak / eventual consistency happens when not all data replicas participate in the update operation and / or contacted as part of read operation .


  24. Before an RPG program updates a row accessed by a key it must perform a read operation to lock the row for update intent .


  25. The system is divided into CAD data read operation modules , water supply module , drainage modules , data aggregation module , software module sets of prices and economic evaluation module .


  26. In the optimization of update transaction , we added a function to the read operation of active transaction to check whether there existed an uncommited data version .


  27. After a page has been updated , a read operation on the snapshot still accesses the original page , which is now stored in a sparse file .


  28. I am making the assumption here that the read operation ( as an entry point to the API layer ) is not in turn invoking write operations on the database .


  29. This paper proposes a model of reusing PCI AD bus based on the study of the PCI AD bi-direction bus and its read operation timing using the time-sharing reuse technology .


  30. Next , the paper designs a memory control timing circuit . This circuit can control the memory circuit from reader issuing commands and data to completing flash memory or a read operation .
